Para una buena guía de Sitios Webs para radioescuchas, visite
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- A.N.A.R.C.
- High Frequency Coordination Conference (HFCC)
The HFCC (Hi Frequency Coordination Conference) is an international organization of radio broadcasters
and telecom operators meeting twice every year to coordinate the usage of the HF broadcast frequency
spectrum. They offer two homepages: One in the United States and another
one in Europe.
- DXing.info
The reliable information source for radio hobbyists, created by Mika Mäkeläinen.
- dxlinks.info.
Grupo DX Mediterráneo - Articles, QSL Card, Contests, Audio, Software and links for SWL.
- Rádios Antigos no Brasil:
Is a site dedicated to old time radio, tubes,circuit diagrams, collections, sales, exchanges. It also
has some nice photos of the Webmaster's private collection. It would help if you have a smattering of
Portuguese, but even without it a lot of the text is radio jargon and therefore perfectly understandable to
most of us.
- RadioReference.com
The world's largest radio communications reference website, including Forums, Wiki and Database.
- North American Shortwave Association
NASWA is the premiere organization in North America for shortwave listeners and DXers. This web site
include a database of SW programs called Shortwave Listening Guide
and his members' Shortwave Loggings database.
- Patepluma International Radio Home Page:
Don Moore has designed this web site for anyone interested in radio broadcasting around the
world. The emphasis is on shortwave, but there is material here pertaining to other parts
of the radio spectrum as well. The majority of information is about Latin American radio. Last Update in 2000.
- The National Radio Club / DX Audio Service
National Radio ClubDX Audio Service Site Updated Daily! We would like to introduce to you to the world
of radio listening and DXing. Our organization features two publications.
- Random Access Labs:
This site is run by Bob Arnold N2JEU. It serves as a way to learn more about the Internet and in support
of several activities including Amateur Radio, Scanners and Shortware Listening.
Es un boletín en Inglés que sale semanalmente vía Internet sobre Diexismo de emisoras en onda corta.
- Hard-Core-DX
Probably the best DX site in the world.
- Interval Signals Archive
Interval signals, signature tunes and identification announcements from international, domestic, and
clandestine radio stations around the world can be found on the www.intervalsignals.net, by Dave Kernick.
- SWL QSL Card Museum:
is a homepage dedicated to the hobby of shortwave listening and the collection of station verification
- Jim Hawkins Homepage
James P. Hawkins presents two radio related web sites:
Jim's Broadcast Technology
and WA2WHV On Line.
- Bob's Radio Web
Sat Log, Atv Log, TvFm Log, Hf Prop, 50 Prop, 144 Prop, Vhf Qso.
Old Archive: Antennas, AmDx, Clubs, Ham, Pirate, Rcvrs, UTE, Bookmarks, QSO, LogBook.
- FCC HF Broadcasting Page
This homepage of the US Federal Communications Commission is a source for the shortwave schedules of the various US broadcasters.
- Radiophile.com
John Pelham's Antique Radio Collection can be visited on this online Museum.
- Antiqueradio.org
Phil's Old Radios is an excellent homepage with many pictures of old radios, informtarion and restoration
articles, by Philip I. Nelson.
- Free Radio Network:
Is a web sitee containing the latest informations on the pirate radio scene.
- University of Texas's Latin America Information Center
Extensive list of Latin America media related sites.
- Jeff's Personal Page -
Play with Jeff's Drake R8 Communications Receiver locate in Reston - Virginia (USA).
Web-controlled shortwave radio.
- Radio Archive of the University of Memphis
Dr. Marvin R. Bensman began this radio collection from original transcriptions, private collectors and
other institutional collections to preserve for research and scholarship what people had once heard over
American radio. It was decided not to attempt to collect every program of every series which exists, but a
representative sampling of most series and shows.
- The Radio Sounds Showcase:
really is a unique archive of radio broadcasts. This homepage is worth a visit!
- SWL.net
Web Server hosting various SWL's web sites. This site is not updated from 2000.
- Barry's Radios
Look at some pictures from a old radio auction on this homepage. Last update in 2000.
- TRS Consultants:
Although he runs a business, Tom Sundstrom has prepared lots of news and infos on the shortwave business
on his homepage, so is interesting for SW enthusiasts.
- www.DXer.ca
Canada's original resource for the World Band Radio Enthusiast! Since 1994 - Reviews of receivers,
antennas and gadgets for the DXer/SWLer. *****
- Ontario DX Association
Information about ODXA activities, his "Listening In" magazine and Beginner's Guide.
- www.nordicDX.com: The Danish Shortwave Club International.
- Ydun's MW page:
Site dedicate to Medium Wave DXing only. News, loggings and links about this topic by Ydun M. Ritz.
- Radio Siden: A Danish homepage dealing with the
radio hobby.
- Tropical Bands Radio Stations: Raimo Mäkelä
of Satakunnan Radio, Finland, has published a list of tropical bands radio stations.
- FTP archive for DXers
Texts, schedules, programs for DXers on this public ftp server from the Finnish Academic and Research
Network FUNET. Last update 1994.
- FREEWAVES The Italian HF Archive
This excellent site presents Andrea Borgnino (IW0HK) collection of photos and data of the italian shortwave, medium wave and utility stations.
- DX-Listeners' Club: Norway’s DX-Listeners’ Club was formed in
1955, as one of the first DX-clubs in Europe. In the early years DXLC had members from all over the
continent, and the club magazine, DX-News, was published in English.
- Radio and DX Homepage: This contains
materials provided by Moscow Club of DXers and Moscow Information DX bulletin.
- DXAsia.info:
is specially designed for the radio listeners in South Asia but may be useful to those who
are interested in Radio Listening and Radio Reception in South Asia or in the Indian subcontinent.
- Radio China
Informations on radio to and from the greater China area (Continental China & Taiwan) can be found on
this homepage compiled by Hans van den Boogert. This site is not updated from 1998.
Fecha de la última actualización: Mayo 21, 2007.