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Welcome to my personal web site on my favorite hobby: radio-listening and DX. I hope that you enjoy
reading these pages and I'm looking forward to reading your e-mail comments :-)
If you don't know anything about this hobby, I invite you to explore some pages and discover the amazing
world of listening to distant (D) and/or unknown (X) stations; you will be surprised what you can tune in to
using your old radio receiver!
73 (greetings)!
- DXER'S HANDBOOK: Introduction to radio-listening and DX: the
reception report, dx-ers activities, radio-bands and variants of DX.
- LISTENING STATION: articles on receivers, antennas, and others
devices to enjoy radio-monitoring.
- SOFTWARE DX: Useful computer programs for dx-ers and radio
- PROGRAMAS DX: Schedules of radio shows on DXing, media and
telecommunications topics (in spanish).
- ARGENTINA ON SHORTWAVE: Broadcast schedules of R.A.E.- International Service of Argentine Radio and LRA36 - Radio Nacional Arcangel
San Gabriel (Antarctica).
- RADIODATA: Parallel to
this site I made a database of radio stations around the World (www.radiodata.com.ar).
- PERSONAL AREA: My QSL cards, QSL verified countries and stations,
audio recordings and logs, etc.
- DX LINKS: Links to websites on DXing and radio-hobby: clubs,
newsgroups, ham'sites, radio-stores and stations.
In last update:
- Implementation of Cascading Style Sheets, ISO-8859-1 standard and
Netscape/Mozilla compatibility.
- Update of broadcast schedules in Argentina on SW.
- Broken links deleted and updated.
- Correction of errors and bugs.
Last update: June 13, 2007
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Broadcast schedules

and LRA 36 Radio Nac. Arcangel San Gabriel
BOOKS for DXers:
World Radio TV Handbook 2007
Passport to World Band Radio
Shortwave Listening Guidebook
Shortwave Radio Listening for Beginners
Books on radio at: