In this page you can find links to Radio-Amateurs clubs, associations, magazines and resources. There are a lot
of information useful for shortwave listeners and DXers.
- QRZ.com
Call Signs Database, Forums, News on Amateur Radio.
- The Daily DX Home Page
Welcome to the Daily DX web page. If you are an Amateur Radio operator and enjoy chasing DX, this is the
place to get your daily DX news.
- LA-DX-GROUP hjemmeside
Velkommen til LA-DX-GROUP LA-DX-GROUP er en forening av senderamatører med spesiell interresse for "DX"
og "Contest" kjøring.
- DX-Central DotCom
March 27, 1999 - Daniel, LU1DK, reports to look for the station LO0D to be using this new prefix for the
next 5 years during contests. QSL via F6FNU. (OPDX)
- CQ Direct
The European Amateur Radio Mail Order centre for: Autek, Alinco, Callsign Clocks, CQ-DX, Delta, Icom,
Kenwood, Mosley, RMS, Sigma, Sirio, Vibroplex, & ...
- Northern California DX Club
The Northern California DX Club (NCDXC) is one of the best known and most respected DX clubs in the
world. The NCDXC was founded in 1946 and has over 300 members, most of whom reside in the San Francisco Bay
Amateur radio group serving the needs of Mountain View California and the surrounding communities of the
Santa Clara Valley, for special events and public emergencies.
- DX News for HAM's
On this page there is my collection links on pages the offering DX-News for a radioamateur. I am sure
you will find here a lot of useful. Good luck.
- The SM7PKK DX-pedition Site
Site A site that is dedicated to Amateur Radio DX-peditioning, showing ideas on how to travel with radio
as well as some info regarding past and future DX-peditions http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-17565/
- Central Arizona DX Association - CADXA.
- High Desert DX Association.
- Magnolia DX Association
The MDXA is the largest DX club in the state of Mississippi (USA).
Sites in Spanish:
- Asociación de Radioaficionados
de la Guardia Civil (A.C.R.A.G.C.)
Historia, actividades, diplomas y enlaces.
- Club de Radio Amateur de Jalisco, A.C.
- Federación Mexicana de Radioexperimentadores, A.C.
Boletines, proyectos, concursos y organismos internacionales.
- Grupo de Radio P.A.S
Historia, actividades, lista de socios, foro de debate y divisiones.
- Liga Panameña de Radioaficionados
Presenta las actividades, redes, sistemas y los proyectos de esta organización.
- Radio Club Corrientes LU4LG
Listado de RPT de Argentina, packet radio y guía mundial de radioaficionados.
- Radio Club Satelite, A.C.
Actividades del grupo, fotos y novedades.
- Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles - Sección Territorial
de Gijón (EA1URG)
Información institucional y todo lo inherente a la Radioafición.
Last update: May 21, 2007.